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New York State General Obligations Law, Title 15-A & Designation of Person in Parental Relation Form

New York State General Obligations Law, Title 15-A—Designation of Person in Parental Relation: This law addresses a parent’s power to designate a “person in parental relation” to a child. If a parent is unable to make education-related or medical decisions for a child, they may temporarily designate another person to make those decisions on behalf of the student.


Designation of Person in Parental Relation Form: If a parent is unable to make education-related decisions for a child, they may temporarily allow another person to make decisions on behalf of the student. N.Y. General Obligations Law § 5-1551. The person who takes on this responsibility is called the “designee” or the “person in parental relation” to the child. The parent can limit the decision-making authority of a person in parental relation to a certain time period or to certain types of decisions, as long as these limitations are described in the designation.


OCFS Designation of Person in Parental Relationship Form: Another template, from the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), includes a more wide-reaching set of decision-making abilities for the “designee.” For example, this form includes medical decision-making authority, unlike the form above. If a parent is unable to make education or health-related decisions for a child, they may temporarily allow another person to make decisions on behalf of the student. The person who takes on this responsibility is called the “designee” or the “person in parental relation” to the child. The parent can limit the decision-making authority of a person in parental relation to a certain time period or certain types of decisions, as long as these limitations are noted.







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