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Education is the most important long-term prevention strategy when addressing child and youth homelessness. Recent national research from Chapin Hall found that without a high school diploma or GED, the likelihood of experiencing homelessness increased by 4.5 times, ultimately making this the top risk factor for young adult homelessness.


Supporting Students
in Temporary Housing

The McKinney-Vento Act provides rights and services to homeless children and youth including those who are sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations.

Homeless Students

The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

Image by bennett tobias

Role of the School

School staff work in conjunction with the district-level liaison on behalf of the best interest of homeless children and youth. Students may be identified as eligible for McKinney-Vento designation by school staff and receive services and resources that they are eligible for, such as tutoring or mental health counseling, at the school level.

Girl Gazing

Unaccompanied Youth

An unaccompanied youth is a homeless child  or youth not in the physical custody of their parent or guardian; this includes youth who ran away from home, have been forced from the home by their families, and youth forced to leave their families when the family becomes homeless.

749 E 135 Street

Bronx, NY 10454

41 State Street, Suite 403

Albany, NY 12207

34 South Broadway, Suite 601

White Plains, NY 10601

We provide information, referrals, and trainings to schools, school districts, social service providers, parents, and others about the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness in New York State. NYS-TEACHS is funded by the New York State Education Department.

Tel: 800.388.2014 | Fax: 212.807.6872 |

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The New York State Technical and Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students ( is operated by Measurement Incorporated under a contract with the New York State Education Department.

© 2024 NYS-TEACHS. All rights reserved.

The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the
New York State Education Department. 

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