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Check-In Checklist: Connecting with Families During COVID-19 Remote and Hybrid Instruction

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Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Published: 05/19/20

Last Updated: 09/15/20

During COVID-19 remote and hybrid instruction, liaisons are playing a critical role in helping students and families experiencing homelessness meet their basic needs (e.g., food), education-related needs (e.g., remote learning tools), and social-emotional needs (e.g., supportive connections).

However, liaisons are reporting that one of the most challenging obstacles during this time is maintaining consistent communication and connection with the students and families that they work with. This “check-in checklist” summarizes some of the strategies liaisons are using in their outreach to families and youth.


749 E 135 Street

Bronx, NY 10454

41 State Street, Suite 403

Albany, NY 12207

34 South Broadway, Suite 601

White Plains, NY 10601

We provide information, referrals, and trainings to schools, school districts, social service providers, parents, and others about the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness in New York State. NYS-TEACHS is funded by the New York State Education Department.

Tel: 800.388.2014 | Fax: 212.807.6872 |

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The New York State Technical and Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students ( is operated by Measurement Incorporated under a contract with the New York State Education Department.

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New York State Education Department. 

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